Rudy Evanich - 2014
MHS 1979 Graduate
Rudy Evanich, was nominated by Barbara Reider, class of 1979. In her nomination letter, Reider wrote, "I am pleased to nominate Rudy Evanich, Minerva High School Class of 1978, for membership in the Minerva High School Hall of Fame. I hope you will agree that his personal integrity, commitment to the community, and business success are worthy of consideration.”
Evanich graduated with a degree in accounting Case Western Reserve University in 1983, where he also received four collegiate letters in football. That same year, he opened his business, Evanich Accounting & Tax, LLC. His firm has created jobs for eight employees. During a recent year, his firm prepared tax returns for over 1,000 individuals and businesses. He processes payroll and payroll taxes for over 50 companies, and prepares the books and financial statements for over 75 companies. Rudy also meets with clients to discuss tax planning and business consulting. He prepares necessary government documents for the creation of new businesses. His entrepreneurial talents have provided much-needed services for local residents.
In 2002 Evanich first ran for public office and was elected as the Paris Township fiscal officer. He continues to hold this position with elections occurring every four years. Obviously the citizens of Paris Township trust him. Among his many duties are to receive and distribute township funds, create the annual budget, prepare bank reconciliations, sign contracts on behalf of the township, work with the state auditor to ensure the township’s financial statements are in good form, and keep all meeting minutes.
In 2012 the Sandy Creek Joint Fire District was created to provide services to the Village of Minerva, residents of Paris Township and residents of West Township. A levy was passed in November 2012 to help fund the fire district. He created a budget of $700,000 and now manages the funds for the fire district.
Evanich is busy as he serves as a director of the Paris and Washington Township Homer Insurance Company, and he is a grain farmer, growing many acres of corn and soybeans each year. He and his wife Judie live in the Minerva area and are members of Minerva United Methodist Church.
Several years ago, he worked with the Minerva School Board members Jan Kishman and Susan Crawford, Athletic Director Don Spinell, and then Superintendent Doug Marrah to start the MHS Girls’ Golf Team. After only three years of competition, in 2009 the golf team advanced to the Ohio State Tournament. Three Evanich daughters--Ashley, Heather, and Melissa--have competed on the Minerva Girls’ Golf Tearn and continued their golf careers in college.
Evanich is a Past Commodore of the Point Yacht Club located at Cedar Point Marina where he served as trustee for four years. He has served as Fleet Captain, Rear Commodore, Vice Commodore, and in 2009 as Commodore. He is also a member of the Huron Yacht Club in Huron, Ohio.
Reider summarized her nomination of Evanich by writing: “I could name many other contributions Rudy has made to the Minerva community and the Minerva High School athletic program, however, they do not begin to measure his personal character, integrity and devotion to his family. In life these are his greatest successes.