Lee Ann Johnston Thorn - 2012
MHS 1979 Graduate
Lee Ann Johnston Thorn, class of 1979, was nominated by Diane Walker Evans, also of the class of 1979. Thorn is a senior financial executive with over twenty years of management excellence and career success ranging from financial advisory and restructuring consulting services, executive management in health care, specialty retail, information management and higher education to providing audit and tax services with an international accounting firm.
While in high school, even though Thorn always had a job, she remained at the top of her class and participated in extra-curricular activities such as cheerleading, Crescent staff and National Honor Society. In 1983 she received a bachelor’s of arts degree in accounting, Summa cum Laude, from Mount Union College, and in 1985 became a certified public accountant. In the 1980’s, she was employed by Ernst and Young. In 1998 she became the CFO and treasurer of Camelot Music, Inc. This company was a national specialty retail company with 485 locations and $660 million in annual revenues.
In 2000 she was elected to the board of trustees of Mount Union College where she served as interim Vice President of Business Affairs and Treasurer. During this time she reorganized and restructured the business office, and directed a reallocation of a $130 million endowment resulting in capital preservation, improved investment returns and reduction of management costs. From 2000 to 2005 she became executive vice president and treasurer of GBS Corporation, a company involved in manufacturing distribution and development of document management and technology solutions.
In 2006, Thorn established her own company, LAThorn Consulting, LLC in North Canton. Her recent projects were representing lender interests totaling $4.9 billion relative to evaluation of strategic alternatives for $6 billion REIT; advising agent lender in resolution of inter-creditor concerns relative to a $140 million credit facility for a newly formed diversified media and sports marketing company; and representing secured lender interests in forced bankruptcy of a beverage manufacturing and distribution company with allegations of massive accounting fraud.
Since 2007, she has been the executive director of Atrium OB-Gyn, Inc. & Spa at Atrium, LLC in Canton. She reports to the board of directors on the overall operation of the organization. She serves as the liaison between legal, financial, and other entities within the community and the healthcare delivery system in matters pertaining to future growth and strategic planning.
Lee Ann has a proven track record of exceptional financial management and leadership skills throughout all phases of corporate business cycles including: substantial growth and profitability, leveraged buyouts, aggressive competition, corporate downsizing, financial restructuring and industry consolidation.
In addition to all of her business activity, Thorn is actively involved in many community and professional associations. She has served as trustee of Mount Union College from 1992 to present, and was chairperson of the board from 2004 – 2010. Since 1992 she has served on the Stark County Community Foundation Investment Review Committee and is a trustee of the Mercy Medical Center Development Foundations. The list of her activities is never-ending. She has served as trustee of both the Stark Development Board and the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. Since 1985, she has been a member of the American Institute and Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants. In 1989, she was chosen as Woman of the Year by the Stark County Women’s Network for which she served as president from 1985 – 1989.
Lee Ann Johnson Thorn fulfills the definition of a member of the Minerva High School Alumni Hall of Fame . . . she is someone who has brought honor and distinction to Minerva High School through her career and her community service.