R. Eldon Trubee - 2010
MHS 1962 Graduate
The Reverend Dr. R. Eldon Trubee, class of 1962, was nominated to the Minerva High School Alumni Hall of Fame by Samuel M. Bemstine. He wrote that Reverend Trubee is a credit to his alma mater having maintained good character, integrity and dependability.
Dr. Trubee was two years old when his family moved to Minerva. At the ages of seven through twelve, he lived in Canton. The family then returned to Minerva and Dr. Trubee to attended and graduated from Minerva High School. While in high school he was a member of the band, the varsity debate team, a delegate to Boys' State and the Kent State University Institute in Speech. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Wooster College in 1966, his Master of Divinity from the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 1969, and his Doctor of Ministry from the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 1994.
Along with his pastoral duties, he has served in three different communities as a volunteer fireman. As a Rotarian, he worked in four different communities organizing and expanding activities. He has been a Boy Scout leader, and served on the county mental board of health. He has served in different churches as a pastor and member of the ministerial association, as well as working with various committees dealing with development and placement of clergy. He developed a plan for harmonious relations where two or more churches share the same ministry. Also, he has established programs providing care for the needy.
After serving the Millersburg First and Clark Community Presbyterian Churches for twenty-five years, Trubee officially retired in 2009; however, he currently serves as an interim pastor in Cambridge, Ohio. His current activities include: membership on the Pomerene Hospital's Medical Ethics Board, the Holmes County Probate Court's Volunteer Guardianship Board, the Millersburg Police Auxiliary, and the Holmes County Habitat for Humanity's Family Selection Committee. He published Like as a Fire, a devotional book for fire and rescue personnel and currently writes a column for The Farm and Dairy.
The communities in which he has lived have always been very supportive of his work. The many abilities he possesses have been shared through his generosity and kindness. He often returns to contribute to the businesses and professional people in the Minerva Community. Bemstine wrote that Minerva is proud of the things Reverend Trubee accomplished while representing this community.
Dr. Trubee and his wife Bonnie, who live in Millersburg, Ohio, have two adult children, a daughter Heather and a son Kenton.