Todd Crowl - 2008
MHS 1978 Graduate
Todd A. Crowl, Class of 1978, was nominated by Jeff Betler. His education includes a Bachelor of Science in Zoology, cum laude from The Ohio State University; a Master of Science in Zoology, a Master of Arts in Statistics, and a Ph.D. in Ecology, all from the University of Oklahoma.
Crowl's teaching assignments have included Utah State University, Otago University (New Zealand), the University of Oklahoma, and the University of Notre Dame. He currently sits on twenty-two graduate committees in the College of Natural Resources, Biology, Mathematics and Statistics, and Engineering at Utah State University.
He has chaired four committees: Millville Advisory Board (2003-present); CNR EPC and Graduate Education Committee (2003-2006); Curriculum Committee (2003-2006); and the Graduate Academic Review Committee (1997-2001); and served on many more.
Some of Crowl's professional committees include: Program Chair of the North American Benthological Society, Co-chair of the Consortium of Regional Ecological Observatories, and Ecological Society of America (Program Committee).
Crowl's awards include the Harvard University Bullard Fellow and the University of Notre Dame Environmental Sciences Visiting Fellow, both in 2006; in 1995 he was named Researcher of the Year by the American Fisheries Society; and in 1988 he received the Best Student Presentation by the North American Benthological Society meeting, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
There are fifty seminars that he has given between the years of 1988 and 2007, and he states that he has presented 123 lectures/seminars at scientific conferences in addition to those fifty. He and his students have written over fifty Federal and State Agency reports. He has received thousands of dollars in research grants.
Crowl is the son of Margery and Francis Crowl of Minerva. He has two sons: Andy, and Ben. Recently he resided in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as a fellow of Harvard University, but now he has begun a new detail in Washington, D.C., in the National Science Foundation, setting science objectives and funding research.