Theodore Isue - 2006
MHS 1960 Graduate
Theodore Isue, Class of 1960, was nominated to the Minerva High School Alumni Hall of Fame by Debra Czekanski Silverio, Class of 1969. In her nomination she said, "I have known Theodore Isue for more than forty years, and it is my pleasure and privilege to nominate him for the Minerva High School Alumni Hall of Fame.
During the years that I have known him, he has been a professional, confidant, mentor, advisor, and very dear friend. His integrity, honesty, and morality are impeccable and his virtuosity in all his professional accomplishments is above reproach. His dedication, perseverance, and determination to be the best at what he pursues are only superseded by his love and devotion to his family."
While in high school, Isue served as class president his sophomore, junior and senior years, as well as being involved in music and sports. After graduating from Minerva High School, he attended Kent State University where he graduated in 1965 with a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in French. In the summer of 1967, he studied in France, and then received a Master’s of Education in 1969 from Kent. He did post-graduate work at the University of Akron.
After graduating from Kent in 1965, Isue taught French in the Fairless Local School System where he also served as Chairman of the Foreign Language department.
After five years at Fairless, he went to the North Canton City Schools where he served first assistant principal of North Canton Junior High, followed by principal of Portage Grade School, principal of Hoover High School, and then administrative assistant to the superintendent.
Beginning in 1995, Isue's career took him to Mount Union College where he first served as an adjunct professor. In 1999 he became a full-time instructor, and since 2000 has served as field placement coordinator while also serving as education department co-chairperson and chairperson from 2002-2005.
During his career, Isue has been affiliated with many education associations including the American Association of Teachers of French, the National Association of Secondary School Administrators, Phi Delta Kappa, and Mount Union College Teacher Education Advisory Council.
Isue has been honored by being one of five national scholarship recipients to study and travel in France, appearing in Who's Who Among America's Teachers, being a Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Scholar, and being chosen North Canton Endowment Fund Educator of the Year.
His community affiliations include: North Canton Rotary Club, also serving on the North Canton Rotary Club Board of Directors; North Canton Library Board of Directors; and the North Canton Heritage Society where he served as president and was on the board of trustees.