Victor "Pat" Gray - 2001
MHS 1918 Graduate
Victor E. "Pat" Gray, Class of 1918, was proud to be a life-long resident of Minerva. He was nominated by his daughter, Beverly Gray Tarbet, Lillian Dietrich, George Kishman and Robert Davis. Pat served over twenty-five years as Minerva Village Treasurer, was a member of Minerva's Tubal Lodge and the Nazir Grotto of Canton, and a member of Minerva's Volunteer Fire Department. He was plant superintendent at Minerva Wax Paper, and kept books for Barber Trucking of Minerva and Temple Trucking of Malvern. Robert Davis said, "Through my observations of and work experiences with Pat Gray, there was no doubt in my mind that he was the 'heart beat' that made the 'wax works' work. Following my graduation from The Ohio State University in August of 1949, I was fortunate to be associated with Pat Gray when I was hired by Minerva Wax Paper company. It was there and then that I received a 'hands-on-education' into the real world of manufacturing under the coaching and guidance of Pat Gray."
George Kishman said, "I served on the Minerva Village Council in the late fifties when our budget was extremely meager. Mr. Gray guided us through these trying times, and with his wise advice, we were able to keep the village operating as well as making certain improvements--including initiating a fund for off-street parking. He spent many hours of volunteer time keeping the village financial books in a very professional manner.”
Lillian Dietrich said, "Pat Gray is an excellent choice to be nominated for the Minerva High School Hall of Fame. He deserves recognition as a revered alumnus of Minerva High School. Pat spent most of his life promoting the welfare of the Village of Minerva. In his almost 30 years as a supervisor at Minerva Wax Paper, he always had some wise saying such as, 'Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of you.’ "
Beverly Tarbet said of her father, "Education was very important to him, and he always had time to visit his grandchildren's classes at least once a year."
Robert Davis added, "If I were asked by the artist commissioned to paint Pat Gray's portrait for the Hall of Fame, I would suggest these characteristics would best portray him: absolute aggressiveness, complete control, dogged determination, dedicated devotion, exceptional energy, endless enthusiasm, intense integrity, keen knowledge, longtime loyalty, outstanding organizer, precise planner, and then touch up his face with his customer satisfaction smile.”