William Palmer & Beverlee Harsh Palmer - 2000
MHS 1958 Graduates
William and Beverlee Harsh Palmer of Minerva, both members of the Minerva High School Class of 1958, have been a team since high school. They celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary on January 30 of this year. They are the parents of three sons, Gregg, Bradley and Kevin who have continued to work in the same mold as their parents.
Bill is the son of Clarence and Betty Palmer. He has two sisters, Judy Bryan and Sharon Palmer, and a brother Ron Palmer.
Beverlee is the daughter of Karl and Marjorie Harsh and has one sister, Sandra Andrews. Karl and Marjorie Harsh owned and operated Harsh Billiards and Lunch until Marjorie's death in 1960. Then Bill and Beverlee took over the operation of the business until they sold it in 1972. They have owned and operated Minerva Bowl since 1975 when they purchased it from Dick and Sue Mount.
Gregg, their oldest son, is a member of the Minerva High School Hall of Fame and was a very special child. Gregg had spina bifida. Beverlee was once asked how they stood the burden of his care. She replied, "Gregg has never been a burden, but a blessing to us." Bradley, Kevin and Gregg all worked with their parents in the Minerva Bowl.
Bill and Bev work for the youth of the community. Trying to keep young people from getting hurt after the prom and giving the young people an alternative to post-prom activities, they, along with other businesses, clubs and individuals, were pleased to provide the students with community-sponsored entertainment.
A member of Rotary Club of Minerva with 32 years of perfect attendance, and a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International, Bill has been involved with all the activities of the club. He has served in every capacity from committee chairman to club president and representative of the District Governor. Beverlee as a Rotarian is always a step ahead to make certain all plans run smoothly.
Bill has been active in the Minerva Community Association for many years. He and Beverlee oversaw the Minerva Homecoming, arranged for the rides and entertainment, and for many years the parade.
The new look of the Community Building was the vision of the Palmers, and they have been instrumental in its continued improvement. At the present time, Bill is putting together plans to put new kitchen facilities in the building.
Bill is in charge of the games and prizes for the Minerva Rotary Club’s Christmas party for special children.
The Palmers have kept alive the memories of The Minerva Merchants Football Team by hosting their annual awards.
The Palmers donated the land for Mayor Park at the corner of Line and Main Streets.
William and Beverlee Palmer were nominated to the Hall of Fame by Marilyn Bartley, and seconded by Bernard Marcinkowey. In her nomination Marilyn said that Bill and Beverlee Palmer have the same qualities of caring about the well-being of the town as Dr. Hines, Dr. Weir and Dr. Whiteleather. They work with the students and teach them the qualities of courtesy and the need to work to become better persons as did Hall of Famers Lee Jackson and Bob Gallina.
Bill and Beverlee Palmer are Minerva High School Alumni who work quietly, leading by example and multiplying limited means to achieve extraordinary things.