Carl Felger - 1999
MHS 1938 Graduate
Carl Felger, Class of 1938, was nominated by Captain Robert Hart along with recommendations by Minerva area citizens including Dr. Robert Hines, Leroy Bartley, Carl W. Gartner, Homer Unkefer, James Waller, and P. R. Hart.
After high school, Felger attended Canton Actual Business College. He covered most of his business college expenses working the afternoon shift at Superior Ice Cream, Inc. of Canton. He then was employed as a bookkeeper and weight master for Lloyd Vandegrift Excavation, Inc., Beginning in 1942, he was a clerk for the New York Central Railroad yard in Minerva. In 1941 he joined the U. S. Air Force but was placed in Class C due to a perforated eardrum. In 1942 he was drafted by the U.S. Army and sent to Camp Maxey, Texas, Company K, 405th Regiment, 102nd Infantry Division for basic training. He attended communication schools in Texas and Louisiana and then was stationed at Fort Dix and Camp Kilmer, New Jersey; Weymouth, England; Cherbourg, France; and the north Paris area (Red Ball Express--Patton Division). With additional communication training and acquired knowledge, he attained the ranks of Sergeant and First Sergeant.
In 1944 Felger received the Bronze Star Medal for heroic achievement on November 29, 1944, in Germany. Among his other medals were the European Theater with two Battle Stars and a Presidential Citation for action at Boslar, Germany, on February 23 and 24, 1945, when German Tiger Tanks counter-attacked after being driven out by the 405th Regiment. He was honorably discharged from the U. S. Army, and he served as a Master Sergeant in the Army Reserve from 1946-1953.
In 1944 Felger retired from Conrail after serving more than 42 years as clerk, trainmaster and trainmaster supervisor with the New York Central, Penn Central and Conrail.
Today Felger is probably best known for his community service. He has been an active member of Minerva Grade School (M. I. Day) PTA, Minerva Community Association officer, AARP officer, Community Meals, Salvation Army, and American Legion Post #357. He did much in acquiring the railroad caboose and restoring and beautifying the old Wheeling Lake Erie Railroad depot. From 1985 to the present, he has served American Legion Post #357 as adjutant, and he has served as chair of Veteran’s Day programs, emcee and guest speaker, and organizer of the committee for construction of the Veteran’s Monument at East Lawn Cemetery and other local cemeteries. He is the recipient of the Life Membership Award from the Minerva Legion Post. In 1997 the Minerva service clubs gave him their Special Recognition Award for years of service to the Minerva community. Presently, he is chairman of the Homecoming Parade Committee for the American Legion, which is a co-sponsor with the Community Association.
Felger is an active member of the Minerva United Methodist Church where he is a trustee and has served as a youth group advisor, chair of the building committee for the educational building, as well as being involved in other committees.
Captain Hart stated in his nomination, “Carl Felger’s job-practical-knowledge and skill acquired through self-earned education and long-hour working experience is outstanding. He is able to grasp old and new ideas in developing job techniques and perform all tasks and community projects with drive and enthusiasm. Of most importance, he constantly and actively seeks additional work and ways to accomplish work projects for the Minerva community and its people.”