Frederick Pocock - 1997
MHS 1941 Graduate
Frederick J. Pocock, Class of 1941, was nominated by his niece, Susan Hilverding Scharf. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Mount Union College in 1950. Previously, he had graduated from Lincoln Aeronautical Institute and studied at Akron University. He did his post-graduate work at Akron University in 1953.
Pocock is an accredited NACE corrosion specialist, consultant and engineer. He has been in the water technology business for 38 years with Babcock and Wilcox Company in the Research and Development Division. He is a member of Who's Who in America.
He was a technical leader in the development of the water conditioning system for sub and supercritical fossil fuel plants and for light water reactor systems. His experiences include water technology research, start-up and operations for the first commercial nuclear ship, the NSS Savannah, as well as the first commercial nuclear plant utilizing once-through steam generation.
Pocock has received numerous awards for his engineering expertise and has held many leadership positions in his field. He has authored and co-authored more than 40 publications concerning the water technology of thermal power systems, both nuclear and fossil fuels. He has consulted on water technology projects in Europe, the Middle East and the Far East.
Currently he is a consultant to several clients in the United States in Water Technology. He and his wife Lois have two children, Kathleen and David. They live in Casselberry, Florida.