Doris Lutes Dennis - 1997
MHS 1935 Graduate
Doris I. Lutes Dennis, Class of 1935, was nominated by Lois Kimble, a 1930 graduate of MHS. After high school graduation, Dennis attended Kent State University, Indiana University and Sierra College along with military training at Hunter College. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from the University of Southern California.
After teaching two and one-half-years, she joined the U. S. Marine Corps and was in the first class of women Marines. Dennis became a supervisor of aviation stock control in El Centro, California. She remained in that position until her discharge from the Marines in 1945. The following day she was hired as a civil service employee to do the same job she had done in the Marines. She married a fellow Marine, and they had one son.
Dennis retired from teaching in 1983, having taught in California for 33 years. Since her retirement, she has volunteered her time as an assistant leader in the Boy Scouts, Sunday School teacher and superintendent, library aid, Welcome Wagon, secretary of Widowed Parents Services, secretary and treasurer of a church group, president of AARP in Auburn, California, as well as working in many other organizations. In addition to all of her community activities, she had returned to school to engage in self-growth classes and Bible study.