Leatrice Jackson - 1995
MHS 1947 Graduate
Leatrice Jackson, Class of 1947, was nominated by Robert Gallina, Mary Lou Bertolucci and Marie Wolf. She taught for 38 years: one year at a grade school in Canton and 37 at Minerva High School as a Social Studies and English teacher.
She was a charter member of the Great Trail Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, a member of The Minerva Public Library Board of Trustees for 17 years, co-chairman of the American Cancer Society for ten years, a member of the Booster Club for 37 years and a member of the First Presbyterian Church for 50 years.
She was advisor for many junior and senior graduating classes. She was also advisor to many extra-curricular clubs during her teaching career. Those activities, supervised by Lee for many years, had no stipend involved. Many people may not be aware of the fact that Lee helped many needy students and people in the community with donations of her time, money, and talents when the need was brought to her attention. For example, when a student needed a winter coat or a pair of glasses, the items were given to the student or adult anonymously. Many times the money was sent to the needy individual, family, or group in a typed envelope with a whitepaper wrapped around the money. No name or return address was typed on the envelope, but the postmark was Minerva. Since her death, parties close to Lee have confirmed many of her gestures of generosity.
Lee was a quiet, positive, compassionate loving person who extended financial and emotional support to all those in need. She was an excellent listener who never spoke ill of anyone. She sought out and nurtured the best qualities in every student, not just the top, easy-to-teach, easy-to-love individuals, but every single student. Her quick wit and ready humor delighted all those who knew her and enhanced her ability to achieve instant rapport with total strangers.
Despite the fact that she achieved many top, exemplary awards for her achievements, for example, having been valedictorian of her MEIS graduating class, and later at Mount Union College, having achieved the distinctions of Civil War Award for the highest grade in Civil War History classes, and graduating cum laude with honors in English and history, Lee was able to identify with all students in her classes, even the slower students who needed extra tutoring. She gave unstintingly before and after school days and even over school vacations, all free of charge, and often because she did it so quietly, free of praise and recognition that was due her.
In his nomination, Gallina wrote, "Lee Jackson was a native and life-long resident of Minerva. She dedicated her entire life to Minerva High School and the Minerva community as a whole. Her total focus revolved around her family, her job, and the town of Minerva."