Richard Grunder - 1993
MHS 1955 Graduate
Dr. J. Richard Grunder, Class of 1955, was nominated by his sister S. Ann Grunder. His parents were John Grunder, Jr., a long-time Minerva businessman, and Ruth Grunder, a Minerva elementary school teacher. Dr. Grunder received a pharmacy degree, with highest distinction, from Ohio Northern University in 1959. In 1964 he earned his doctorate in medicinal chemistry from Purdue University. During the next year, he did post-doctoral work and research in the Department of Chemistry at The Ohio State University. At present he is retired from Oklahoma University as an Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Director of Student Services.
Dr. Grunder's many honors include receiving The Oklahoma University Outstanding Instructor award in 1969; the Sooner Pharmaceutical Association's Outstanding Faculty Award in both 1977 and 1979. Twice he has received the Outstanding Faculty Award from Kappa Epsilon, a pharmacy sorority, and in 1978 was named Professor of the Year by Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity. In 1983 he was awarded the Amoco Foundation Good-Teaching Award.
His community service includes: past director of Student Services at Oklahoma University which required him to travel across the state promoting pharmacy for career day in high schools and junior colleges. He coached pharmacy students in softball and is an active member of the Cleveland County Pharmacy Association in Norman, Oklahoma. He is national treasurer of the Rho Chi Honor Fraternity.
In her nominating letter, Ann Grunder wrote, "At my brother's retirement dinner, the most moving speeches were made by his former students. As a teacher who loved his work, he touched many lives and obviously made a difference. I guess that's just about the greatest tribute one could receive."