Homer Unkefer - 1988
MHS 1934 Graduate
Homer Unkefer, Class of 1934, was chosen as a member of the Minerva High School Alumni Hall of Fame in 1988 by the Minerva High School Advisory Board.
Unkefer was cited as a successful businessman for 57 years as a hay and straw broker in the Midwest, and as a top volume dealer in Ohio for Ford, New Holland and Case International Harvester farm equipment. He has won numerous awards in his business, and is an avid supporter of the agriculture program at the high school.
He received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1939 from The Ohio State University. Early in his career he was employed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. He started the Homer R. Unkefer Farm Equipment Company in 1947. Dr. John Shaffer, high school principal, said, "Not even after a devastating fire destroyed the buildings in 1983, did the business close down. Unkefer simply conducted his business outside until new buildings were constructed."
Unkefer is on the Board of Directors of Consumer’s National Bank and is a member of the Chamber Commerce here. He is involved in the community, helping residents of the area and, each year, he loans tractors and trucks for the Homecoming Parade.
He resides in Minerva. He and his wife Frances are parents of Greg and Linda. Homer is a doer, not a talker, as evidenced by his acceptance speech for this award, "I appreciate the honor you have given me. Thank you."