Don Cross - 1986
MHS 1914 Graduate
Don Cross, Class of 1914, was nominated by Tom Kishman. While in high school, Cross served as the editor of the first Minerva High School yearbook. After graduation he attended The University of Michigan.
Tom Kishman said, "Don can best be described as a first class person on all levels . . . to his town, his country, and his family He has also made a name for himself in pharmacy and retail sales. He served in World War I, and took over Cross Drug after the death of his father. He subsequently built a thriving retail business, Cross Wholesale, in Minerva.
Don was a mainstay in Minerva, a charter member of The American Legion, The Community Association, The University of Michigan's alumni clubs, The Masonic Lodge, and Rotary. Also, he played a major part in the formation of the Minerva Merchants semi-pro football team, which was championship-caliber in the tri-state area.
Cross did all this and more, helping people, supporting school projects, and never letting an accident in the 1940’s, which left him sightless, get him down. In 1953 he was named "Man of the Year" at Minerva's homecoming. He made a humble and brief speech of acceptance, “I am honored, and I shall try to keep on being the man you think I am.”
Cross, who is ninety years of age is currently hospitalized, so he couldn't attend the Alumni Hall of Fame ceremony. Dr. Robert Hines accepted for him stating "Cross is a very worthy honor recipient." He followed with this quotation, "The elements so mixed in him that nature would stand up and say to all the world, 'This was a man.' "