James B. Waller - 2008
MHS 1962 Graduate
James B. Waller was nominated by Richard L. Everett with supporting letters written by Michael R. Gallina, Gregory B. Horn, David Harp and George Horvath. Jim worked as a machinist at the Timken Company in Canton, retiring after 37 years service to that company. After high school graduation Jim married the former Shirla Crawford They have two children, Sharri and Mike and four grandchildren. During the time he and Shirla were raising their family, he was involved in many community activities. He coached Hot Stove/Little league baseball for 14 years. He has been active for many years in Minerva Lions Club and Athletic Booster Club, and promoted and assisted in the development of the Minerva Senior Center. He served as village councilman for fourteen years and mayor for sixteen years, and has been re-elected mayor for another four years.
Minerva's former Village Administrator Gregory Horn said, "Mr. Waller was one of those rare individuals who was able to balance full time employment with the needs of a growing and active family, while maintaining a strong passion for his community. Mr. Waller stood by his convictions and was not noted for taking the easy way out.”
George Horvath in writing on behalf of the Minerva Lions Civic Club enumerated the many ways Waller has helped the club and added, "Jim is a good listener, he cares, he always gets the job done and is a good friend.”
David Harp, Minerva’s Village Administrator, said that what Minerva has accomplished over the past 30 years would not have been realized had it not been for Waller's unselfish dedication of his time and efforts in service to the community. To name just a few improvements: the renovation of the downtown area, park improvements, Minerva’s Industrial Park, a new fire station, a new sewage treatment plant, water improvements, a new police station, creation of over 300 jobs for our community, and many more.
Richard Everett in his nomination of Waller said, “James B. Waller may not have a master's degree and he may not be rich, but he has accumulated a wealth of gratitude from the residents of Minerva and surrounding communities. The accomplishments that have taken place in Minerva during the past 30 years have been many....I believe that a lot would not have happened, except for Mr. Waller's constant persistence and leadership.”
Michael Gallina said, “Jim will not compromise his values ... Rather, he wills those values into all facets of his life so that you truly have the word priceless when you define his character...The community of Minerva is a better place because of Jim's service, his unwavering passion for doing the right thing, and his deep love for the overall good of the community.”