Harris "Jake" Tarbet - 1998
MHS 1946 Graduate
Jake Tarbet, Class of 1946, was nominated to the Alumni Hall of Fame by his daughter Wendy Tarbet. Jake served in the U.S. Navy in 1945 and 1946. During World War II, Jake, just like many other high school boys did as soon as they were old enough, enlisted in one of the armed services for the duration of the war.
Jake was a Boy Scout leader, a Little League coach for ten years, a member of the MHS Athletic Boosters Club, and served as the "Voice of Minerva High School Football" before Doc Snively became the announcer. In 1962 he served on the first Minerva Park Board. He is a member of the Community Association where he once served ten consecutive years as president, in 1946 he served on the MHS Class of 1946's 50 year reunion committee.
He is the public address announcer for the Christmas Parade, and for the last twenty years, has been the public address announcer for the Homecoming Parade. He has twice been Marshall of the Homecoming Parade.
Although not a member of one of the local service organizations, he was named "Man of the Year for 1997.” At present he serves on the zoning commission, is an active member of the Train Station Committee, and is caretaker for he Community Building. He is a deacon and elder in the Presbyterian Church.
A Salvation Army bell ringer, he also serves several charities including the Cancer Daffodil Drive and the Heart Association.
Whenever Minerva needs a volunteer, Jake Tarbet is one of the first people contacted. Born in Minerva and a life long resident, Jake has spent a large portion of his life working for the good of the village. His dedication and interest in his hometown and its people make him a worthy member of the Minerva High School Alumni Hall of Fame.