William J. Martin - 2016
MHS 1965 Graduate
William J. Martin was nominated by John Michael Hoopes with additional information by Vern Wadsworth. In his nomination of Martin, Hoopes said, “William Martin is worthy for recognition in the Minerva High School Alumni Hall of Fame for his long and distinguished legal career beginning in 1973 in Carroll County and for his 24 years of service as Judge, Carroll County Common Pleas Court, General and Domestic Relations Divisions.”
While a high school student Martin's activities included student council, Hi-Y, National Honor Society, golf team and head manager for varsity football and basketball. He was the editor of the 1965 MHS CRESCENT.
In 1969 he graduated from The Ohio State University with a bachelor of arts degree. He continued his studies graduating from Case Western Reserve Law School in 1972. He was admitted to the bar in the state of Ohio in 1972 and also to the U. S. District Court (N.D., OH) and the U. S. Supreme court.
His many offices and appointments include:
Carroll County General Law Practice (1973-82) Carroll County Assistant Prosecutor (1973-80) Village Solicitor, Dellroy, OH (1981-82) Carroll County Reserve Deputy Sheriff (1975-82) Member Carroll City Airport Authority (1980-82 Judge, Carroll County Common Pleas Court-General and Domestic Relations Division (1983-2006) Judge, Muskingum Watershed Conservancy Court (1985-2006) Visiting Assigned Appellate Judge (1986-93) Visiting Assigned Common Pleas Judge (1983-2006) Visiting Retired Assigned Judge (2007-12) Adjunct Professor, Akron University Law School (1985-93) Lecturer, Ohio Judicial College, Ohio Peace Officer Training Council
Martin's community service included his work with the Ohio Bar Association, the Carroll County Civic Club and the Lions Club. Among his awards were, in 2007, the award for Honorable, Dedicated and Distinguished Service from the Carroll County Republican Party; The Golden Gavel Award from the Ohio Common Pleas Judge's Association in 2006; and a Certificate of Appreciation from the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy Court.
In his letter of support about Martin, Vern Wadsworth wrote, "Bill has spent a lifetime in study, service, and the law. Judge Martin's strength, fairness and wisdom were fixtures in Carroll County courtrooms for many years.”
Martin and his wife, Barbara J. (Dennis) Martin live in Carrollton. They are the parents of four adult children.