Lynn Molen - 2009
MHS 1963 Graduate
Lynn Molen was nominated by Richard Mikes, who wrote of Molen's many honors during his 42 year teaching career as well as his coaching ability with five AP state-ranked teams and his 32 game winning streak from 1986-1989.
While in high school, Molen was an honors student, class president, Buckeye Boys State delegate, student council president, and was listed in Who's Who in High School Leaders of America. After high school he attended Kent State where he received a 4.0 in his major, Education, and graduated cum laude in 1968. Later he received certification from the Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction in Utah.
The late Carl Vandegrift wrote of Molen, “He points with pride at being an educator of young people first, then a coach. I worked for the school many years and can appreciate the dedication Mr. Molen has for the children. Many times as I passed his room I would see his lights on late at night on Saturday or Sunday. He would be preparing lesson plans. He is always available to young people who need help or a confidential ear for listening.”
During his teaching career Molen has received many honors. A few of these are: National Science Foundation Grant in 1979, Jennings Scholar in 1981-82, Phi Delta Pi Educator of the year in 1984. He is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, a national education honorary, and was chosen the Minerva service clubs' Man of the Year in 1990. Both the Minerva High School Alumni Hall of Fame and the Minerva High School Athletic Hall of Fame have chosen Molen to be the presenter of their inductees each year.
He has received many awards for his coaching ability which is underlined by his induction into the Minerva High School Athletic Hall of Fame. He was Minerva's head football coach for 12 years and assistant coach for 19 years. During that time he had 93 wins, the most in Minerva history. His teams were the AP State Poll Champions in 1987 and 1997; AP State Poll Runner Up in 1989; AP ranked number 4 in 1988; and AP ranked number 6 in 1998. His teams were undefeated in 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1997. Among his numerous awards was the Victory Award from the Ohio High School Football Coaches Association. His freshman teams had 35 wins and only one loss, and his varsity teams' winning streak of 32 speaks for itself.
During Molen's 42 years of teaching and coaching, his greatest supporter has been his mother Mabel Molen. Carl Vandegrift once referred to her as the “First Lady of Minerva Football' and Mr. Lynn Molen as “Minerva's Greatest Winning Coach.”